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Aromatherapy Oils - Secret Homemade Recipes

  • Location: K0g 1r0, Kekirawa, Jaffna, Sri Lanka

Traditional Chinese Medicine - Some examples are processed sugars, hydrogenated fats, preservatives and additives. Choose organic foods when possible and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Try eating some 'super-foods' too, e.g., blueberries, spinach, avocados, and eggs, which are bursting with disease-fighting antioxidants. Processed foods contain a lot of unnatural ingredients that can be harmful to our bodies. It makes sense to take good care of it too. You can do this by drinking herb infusions like dandelion root and burdock which are said to be cleansing to the liver.

Your liver is the main organ which functions to detoxify the body. When detoxing is done wrong you will be worse off, guaranteed. I always like to stress how important it is to do the right thing, in the right order, and at the right time, Naturopathy especially when it comes to detoxing. Note: It is always advised to discuss any detoxification process with your Ottawa wellness specialist or Naturopathy doctor beforehand.

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